Wall Street Journal Distingushed Professor of the Years 2010 & 2011
My teaching philosophy follows a high engagement pedagogy and the latest advances in management knowledge while focusing on managerial applicability. The goal is to develop business leaders who can mange strategically, who can lead accross boundaries and who have real impact on worldwide sustainable prosperity.
Please contact me directly for custom/corporate programs.
AREAS OF EXPERTISE- International Business - Engaging Emerging Markets
- Strategic Management - Boundary Spanning Leadership
- Managing Disruption in Exponential Times
- Global Leadership
Ivey Business School Canada (2013 - today)
- CEMS Capstone Block Seminar: Managing Turbulences in Exponential Times (MSc)
- Ivey Global Laboratory (India & Nicaragua) (MSc)
- Global Strategy (MBA)
- Ivey Consulting Project (HBA)
- PhD supervision (1) Max Stallkamp, (third year), (2) Zdenek Necas (fourth year)
Thunderbird School of Global Management, Arizona (2009 to 2013)
- Managing Global Business: Leadership and Strategy (MBA, MA/MF)
- Competitive Strategy (MBA, EMBA, Corporate MBA)
- Global Strategy (MBA)
- Teaching with Cases (Algerian business faculty development program)
- Asia Pacific High-Tech Business Environment (MBA, MSc)
- Germany’s Green Tech and Renewable Energy Industries (MBA, MSc)
- Ethics in the Global Business Context (Global MBA, Latin American EMBA)
University of Western Ontario, Canada (2007, 2008)
- Competitive Strategy (MS)
DeGroote School of Business at McMaster University, Canada (2007)
- Strategic Management (MBA) King’s College at UWO, Canada (2007)
- Cross-Cultural Commercial Relations (MS)
- MTR Corporation Hong Kong, Strategic leadership in Disruptive Times (2017)
- Insituto Euvaldo Lodo – NÚCLEO DO CEARÁ, Brazil: Strategic Management in Turbulent Times (2016)
- Quantum Shift: KPMG Entrepreneurial Leadership Program (2015)
- Academic Director Wallenius Wilhemsen Logistics Norway: Global Leadership Development Program (2010 to 2016)
- Hong Kong Airport Authority: Strategic Management and Leadership Program (2014 to present)
- Academic Director Grupo Alfa, Mexico: Leadership Development Program (2011 to 2014)
- Academic Director State Nuclear Power Technology Corporation of China: Leadership Development Program (2013)
- Henkel, USA: Global Leadership Program (2013)
- Textron, USA: Leadership Program (2013)
- DirecTV, USA: Boundary Spanning Leadership for Pan-American Senior Executive Team (2012)
- SABIC - Saudi Basic Industries Corporation: Corporate MBA (2012, 2014)
- Thunderbird International Consortium (2010, 2011, 2012)
- Project Artemis: 10.000 Women Entrepreneur & Leadership Development Program sponsored by Morgan Stanley and the United States Department of State (2011, 2012)
- Department of State: University Linkages Program for Algeria - Teaching with Cases (2012)
- First Solar, USA: Boundary Spanning Global Leadership (2010)
- Novartis, Switzerland: Entrepreneurial Leadership Program (2010)