My research focuses on multinational enterprise (MNE) development and foreign subsidiary evolution, particularly on corporate strategic change and global innovation and technology management, including digitalization and automation. I investigate both organizational and managerial level dimensions but with an emphasis on organizational outcomes. At the beginning of my academic career, I was primarily phenomenon driven and eclectic in my choice of theories while taking advantage of my comparatively extensive senior executive experience before completing the Ph.D. in 2009. However, for the past decade, I have been most interested in pushing the orthodoxy of the Theory of the MNE, including its boundary conditions. This perspective change has helped me to produce stronger, more relevant and more enduring research, informing practice and scholarship alike. Methodologically I consider myself ambidextrous, applying qualitative or quantitative approaches most suitable for addressing the research question at hand.
Research Under Review
Andrews, D., Schotter, A., Kumaraswamy, A., Mathias, B. The Party is Over: Market Disruptions and Member Heterogeneity in Specialist Categories, (Journal of Business Venturing).
Li, A., Beamish, P. W., and Schotter, A. Antecedents and Consequences of General Manager Successions in Foreign Subsidiaries, (Journal of International Business Studies )(3rd R&R). (FT50)
Lui, D. and Schotter, A. The Dark Side of Powerful Platform Owners: Aspiration Adaptations of Digital Firms, Academy of Management Perspectives (2nd R&R).
Kashyap, R., Schotter, A., Awate, S., and Satyavageeswaran, P. Slipping While Catching-Up: An Attention-Based View of EMNEs’ International Diversification, (Journal of International Business Studies) (R&R). (FT50)
Vasconcellos, S., Schotter, A., Parente, R., Garrido, I., and Reis Goncalo, C. Linking Organizational Creativity, International Business Competence, and Performance, (Journal of International Management) (R&R).
Li, A., Schotter, A., and Beamish, P. W. General Manager Staffing in Local-Market-Seeking Subsidiaries of MNEs: A Multiple-Case Analysis (submitted to the International Business Review).
Chirico, F, Kano, L., Li, JT, Schotter, A., Chavan, M., and Surana, A. The International Strategy of Digital Platform-Based Firms: A Systematic Literature Review and Directions for Future Research. (submitted to the Journal of Management Studies). (FT50)
Work in Progress
Li, A., Lee, C.M., Schotter, A. and Makino, S. The Co-Evolution of MNE Innovation and Foreign Subsidiary General Manager Staffing: A Hybrid Analysis (targeted at Journal of International Business Studies). (FT50)
Schotter, A., Andrews, D., and Mudambi, R. Breathing Life into Economic Death-Zone Cities: Global Connectivity Opportunities in the Post-Covid-19 Era (proposal accepted at Journal of International Business Policy).
Delios. A., Li, JT., Schotter, A., and Vrontis, D., Challenging the Orthodoxy in International Business Research (in final preparations for submission to the Journal of World Business). (ABS4)
Schotter, A. and Wirren, M. The Future of Work and The Multinational Enterprise (targeted at the Academy of Management Review). (FT50)
Schotter, A., Andrews, D. and Mudambi, R. Digitalization and Globalization: Toward an Integrated Research Agenda (targeted at Journal of International Business Studies). (FT50)
Isidor Serrano, R., Li, C. and Schotter, A. A matter of fit? The multifaceted role of national culture in expatriate adaptation (targeted at the Journal of World Business). (FT50)
Lipecz, L., Schmeißer, B., Fisch, J. and Schotter, A. Service Business Internationalization (targeted at the Journal of International Business Studies). (ABS4)
Schotter, A. Boundary Spanners: Performance effects of bridging ties (targeted at the Strategic Management Journal). (FT50)